Safety Tips

At CultureCrush we try to foster a safe and secure community however we encourage all of our users to proceed with caution when interacting with someone new both online and in person. Here are a few tips and best practices to help you have the best experience: 


  • Don’t send money
    If a user asks you for money or requests your financial information – no matter what the reason – don’t send anything and report  it to us immediately.
  • Protect your personal information
    There’s a way to get to know someone without sharing too much too soon. Details like your home and work address, daily routine and children’s names should never be shared with someone you don’t know.
  • Keep the conversation on CultureCrush
    You should never feel pressured to take your conversation to another platform (i.e., text messages, SnapChat, WhatsApp) or meet in person before you’re ready.  We have provided numerous ways to engage on the platform including video and phone chat while you’re getting to know one another. 
  • We encourage love beyond borders, but be careful
    You can find love anywhere – in your city and beyond, however its always best to be extra cautious when communicating with a member who refuses to talk on the phone or via video. If they begin to pressure you for financial help, we encourage you to report them right away.
  • Meet in public when possible
    Again, CultureCrush offers you a number of ways to chat ahead of meeting one another. We even offer a scheduling tool so you can add upcoming dates to the calendar. When you are finally ready to meet in person, we strongly advise that you choose a populated, public place for the first few times you meet, and always be in control of how you get there so you can leave whenever you want.
  • Know your limits
    Be aware of your body’s reaction to drugs or alcohol, and keep your drink with you at all times.
  • Report suspicious & offensive behavior
    Feel free to block or report anyone who engages in inappropriate behavior online or in person, asks for money or financial help, has a fake profile, or sends harassing or offensive messages.